
[39] Prisoners of War

The immediate aftermath of the Battle of Badr, including:

– How the prisoners of war were treated after the battle

– Revelation of Surat al-Anfal, which included verses on warfare

– How the spoils were divided

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[38] Battle of Badr: Victory

Warfare during Battle of Badr and the Muslim’s victory:

– The story of Umayr ibn Al-Humam, who longed for a martyrdom

– The two youth who killed Abu Jahl, and how they attacked him

– Abu Jahl’s arrogance even with his dying breaths

– Umayyah ibn Khalaf’s attempt to seek refuge once defeat was imminent

– Lessons taught after the battle

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[37] Battle of Badr: Opening Moves

The Battle of Badr begins:

– Prophet Muhammad tried to avoid hostilities, and some of the Quraysh wanted to avoid fighting as well. But Abu Jahl instigated the conflict forwards.

– Fighting began with three one on one skirmishes

– The miracle of the prophet throwing pebbles towards the Quraysh and blinding them

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[36] Preparing for the Battle of Badr

The Quraysh set out with a huge army, intending to intimidate not just the Muslims but the rest of the Arabs as well.

This lecture includes:

– Quraysh leaders who were afraid of going to war

– Military tactics leveraged by the Propeht Muhammad before the battle

– Attributes needed to be a leader

– A miracle Allah sent to give the Muslims an advantage the night before the battle

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[35] Prelude to the Battle of Badr

The Meccans wanted to bolster their military situation, not okay with the Prophet Muhammad simply relocating to Medina. The Meccans had invested heavily in a caravan led by Abu Sufyan which would let them build up their military.

Prophet Muhammad intended to intercept this caravan on it’s way back from Syria. However, Abu Sufyan discoveres this plan and devises a scheme to rile up the Meccans and push them to all out war against the Muslims.

This lecture includes:

– How Imam Ali got the kunya of Abu Turab

– Gabriel informing Prophet Muhammad of Abu Sufyan’s plan and how the Prophet tested the Muslims’ resolve

– The prophet’s aunt in Mecca having a vision of a calamity affecting the Meccans

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[34] Marriage of Ali and Fatima

Imam Ali and Lady Fatima got married in the 2nd year AH. This lecture covers:

– Lady Fatima’s age at marriage (Shia vs Sunni views)

– The people who unsuccessfully proposed to Fatima (and their reactions to the rejection)

– Imam Ali’s bridal gift for Lady Fatima

– Their valima (the wedding feast)

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[33] The Caravan Raids

This lecture covers how the prophet changed Yathrib’s name to Medina, the rise of hypocrisy in Medina as political expediency caused people to convert without having any Islamic conviction, the first time Muslims were given permission to fight and why it was granted, and the first five military expeditions of the Muslims.

Practical Lessons:

1. No victory comes with ease. Even prophets must sacrifice, face challenges, and fail before attaining victory.

2. God isn’t biased towards Muslims. When Muslims violated the sanctity of the sacred months, they were condemned.

3. Lead by example

4. Stick with your pledges.

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[32] The Constitution of Medina

The Prophet Muhammad had been invited to Medina to quell tensions in the city. With a few months of arriving, he created a social contract between the different tribes in they city, specifying the behaviors expected from each group: Ansar, Muhajireen, Jews, and Polythiests

Practical Lessons:

  1. The importance of writing down contracts. This was an unprecedented move by the Prophet since Arabia was mostly an oral culture and agreements were usually oral. But to avoid any confusion and disagreements he insisted on putting this in writing
  2. The great respect Islam has for monotheistic traditions. Prophet granted the Jews a great deal of autonomy and independence provided that they didn’t betray the Muslims
  3. All people were accountable before the law, regardless of if you’re Muslim or not. Being Muslim doesn’t get you off the hook
  4. The Prophet accepted the legal norms and customs (urf) of every tribe, as long as they didn’t conflict with the laws of the sharia. Just because we want to follow Islam, it doesn’t mean cultural norms and practices should be abolished provided they don’t violate Islamic laws.

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[31] Building the Prophet’s Mosque, Masjid al Haram

After Prophet Muhammad settled in Abu Ayyub al-Ansari’s home in Medina, he purchased the lot next to it and started building a masjid there. This became known as Al Masjid an-Nabawi (the Prophet’s Mosque) and Masjid al-Haram (the Sacred Mosque). Azan was legislated soon after, and within half a year after hijra the Second Pact of Brotherhood was made between the Muhajireen and Ansaar.

Practical Lessons:
– 1. The pact of brotherhood endured. The prophet would assign a brother/sister to a new convert throughout the Madani period. From this we can extrapolate the importance of looking after the needs of new converts.
– 2. A brotherhood based on faith is the strongest from of brotherhood. Quran 59:9 describes the ansaar’s generosity, saying that when they give to the muhajireen they don’t feel any attachment to what they’re giving, and those who are protected from the stinginess of the soul will be successful
– 3. Brotherhood and unity isn’t just rhetoric. The prophet turned it into action
– 4. Islamic laws were gradually introduced to the community. We need to do a similar thing with our communities and families today, so that it’s done in a way that will be gradual and well received

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[30] Hijra: The First Masjid

When Prophet Muhammad learned about the assassination plot against him, he choose his most trustworthy companion to be the decoy: Ali ibn Abi Talib. Why did Abu Bakr migrated with the Prophet? Sunni vs Shia views on the merits of the Quranic verse on Abu Bakr during this hijrat (Quran 9:40), and the first instance of enmity towards the prophet expressed by Abu Bakr

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